Chimney Cowls

Chimney Cowls


Chimney Cowls

Long gone are the days when every chimney stack looked and performed the same. It’s not just getting the smoke out that’s important. You must also consider keeping rain, birds and elements out, and also how to mitigate wind noise (you don’t want a whistling roof!). And don’t forget dampers for when your chimney is not in use. But by far the biggest consideration is proper drafting – drawing air through your fire (to ensure a healthy flame) and drawing the smoke away from your home and dispersing it up and away from your house.

We’ve seen how roofline and prevailing winds can have a profound effect on your design, and how different types of metals can enhance them both visually and from a performance point of view.

If you have an approximate (or firm) design for your chimney, let us show you how to get the best results for a long and unspectacular life on top of your home.